import hashlib
import time
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
sha = hashlib.sha256()
transactions_str = "".join([f"{tx.sender}{tx.receiver}{tx.amount}"
for tx in self.transactions])
return sha.hexdigest()
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.pending_transactions = []
self.mining_reward = 100
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block(0, time.time(), [], "0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def mine_pending_transactions(self, mining_reward_address):
reward_tx = Transaction(None, mining_reward_address, self.mining_reward)
new_block = Block(len(self.chain), time.time(),
self.pending_transactions, self.get_latest_block().hash)
new_block.hash = new_block.calculate_hash()
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
def get_balance(self, address):
balance = 0
for block in self.chain:
for tx in block.transactions:
if tx.sender == address:
balance -= tx.amount
if tx.receiver == address:
balance += tx.amount
return balance
blockchain = Blockchain()
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Alice", "Bob", 50))
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Bob", "Alice", 30))
for block in blockchain.chain:
print(f"Index: {block.index}")
print(f"Timestamp: {block.timestamp}")
{[{'sender': tx.sender, 'receiver': tx.receiver, 'amount': tx.amount}
for tx in block.transactions]}")
print(f"Previous Hash: {block.previous_hash}")
print(f"Hash: {block.hash}")
print(f"Balance of Miner1: {blockchain.get_balance('Miner1')}")
print(f"Balance of Alice: {blockchain.get_balance('Alice')}")
print(f"Balance of Bob: {blockchain.get_balance('Bob')}")
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决定谁可以挖矿成功的算法有很多种,比如工作量证明(Proof of Work)、权益证明(Proof of Stake)等等。其中工作量证明是最常见的一种算法,比特币就是使用工作量证明算法来决定谁可以挖矿成功。
这里我们实现一下工作量证明算法(POW)。工作量证明算法的核心思想是找到一个符合条件的哈希值,这个哈希值的前几位是 0。这个条件是可以调整的,比如前两位是 0,前三位是 0 等等。位数越多,实现起来越困难。我们可以将这个位数称为难度(Difficulty)。如果被哈希的字符串是固定的,那么哈希值一定也是固定的,因此被哈希的字符串不能是固定的(否则可能无法找到符合条件的哈希值),通常的做法是包含一个随机数 nonce,这个随机数就是我们需要不断尝试的值。
也就是说没有这个约束,我们很快就能计算出哈希,这个哈希有可能也不满足 difficult 条件,但是有了这个约束,我们就需要不断尝试,直到找到符合条件的哈希值。
- 修改 Block 类:添加 nonce 属性和 proof_of_work 方法。
def proof_of_work(self, difficulty):
self.nonce = 0
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty):
self.nonce += 1
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
return computed_hash
class="hljs-button signin active" data-title="登录复制" data-report-click="{"spm":"1001.2101.3001.4334"}">
- 修改 Blockchain 类:在挖矿时调用 proof_of_work 方法。
import hashlib
import time
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
sha = hashlib.sha256()
transactions_str = "".join([f"{tx.sender}{tx.receiver}{tx.amount}"
for tx in self.transactions])
return sha.hexdigest()
def proof_of_work(self, difficulty):
self.nonce = 0
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty):
self.nonce += 1
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
return computed_hash
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.pending_transactions = []
self.mining_reward = 100
self.difficulty = 4
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block(0, time.time(), [], "0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def mine_pending_transactions(self, mining_reward_address):
reward_tx = Transaction(None, mining_reward_address, self.mining_reward)
new_block =
Block(len(self.chain), time.time(),
self.pending_transactions, self.get_latest_block().hash)
new_block.hash = new_block.proof_of_work(self.difficulty)
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
def get_balance(self, address):
balance = 0
for block in self.chain:
for tx in block.transactions:
if tx.sender == address:
balance -= tx.amount
if tx.receiver == address:
balance += tx.amount
return balance
blockchain = Blockchain()
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Alice", "Bob", 50))
blockchain.create_transaction(Transaction("Bob", "Alice", 30))
for block in blockchain.chain:
print(f"Index: {block.index}")
print(f"Timestamp: {block.timestamp}")
print(f"Transactions: {[{'sender': tx.sender, 'receiver': tx.receiver, 'amount': tx.amount}
for tx in block.transactions]}")
print(f"Previous Hash: {block.previous_hash}")
print(f"Hash: {block.hash}")
print(f"Nonce: {block.nonce}")
print(f"Balance of Miner1: {blockchain.get_balance('Miner1')}")
print(f"Balance of Alice: {blockchain.get_balance('Alice')}")
print(f"Balance of Bob: {blockchain.get_balance('Bob')}")
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智能合约还有一个很重要的概念是 ABI。ABI(Application Binary Interface,应用二进制接口)是智能合约与外部应用程序之间的接口定义。它描述了智能合约的函数和事件,使得外部应用程序可以与智能合约进行交互。
智能合约代码是用 Solidity 等编程语言编写的,定义了合约的逻辑和功能。合约代码通常需要编译,在编译后会生成字节码(bytecode),部署到区块链上。
ABI 是合约编译后生成的 JSON 文件,描述了合约的接口。它不包含合约的逻辑实现,只包含函数和事件的定义。外部应用程序使用 ABI 来与部署在区块链上的合约进行交互。
也就是说 ABI 决定了如何调用合约,而合约代码决定了合约的逻辑
- 定义智能合约类:创建一个 SmartContract 类,用于定义智能合约的基本结构和功能。
class SmartContract:
def __init__(self, code):
self.code = code
self.state = {}
def execute(self, sender, receiver, amount):
{'sender': sender, 'receiver': receiver, 'amount': amount, 'state': self.state})
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- 修改 Blockchain 类:添加处理智能合约的功能。
def deploy_contract(self, contract_code):
contract = SmartContract(contract_code)
contract_address = hashlib.sha256(contract_code.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
self.contracts[contract_address] = contract
return contract_address
def call_contract(self, contract_address, sender, receiver, amount):
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_address)
if contract:
contract.execute(sender, receiver, amount)
tx = Transaction(sender, receiver, amount, contract_address)
class="hljs-button signin active" data-title="登录复制" data-report-click="{"spm":"1001.2101.3001.4334"}">
import hashlib
import time
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount, contract=None):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.contract = contract
class SmartContract:
def __init__(self, code):
self.code = code
self.state = {}
def execute(self, sender, receiver, amount):
exec(self.code, {'sender': sender, 'receiver': receiver, 'amount': amount, 'state': self.state})
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
sha = hashlib.sha256()
transactions_str = "".join([f"{tx.sender}{tx.receiver}{tx.amount}{tx.contract}"
for tx in self.transactions])
return sha.hexdigest()
def proof_of_work(self, difficulty):
self.nonce = 0
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty):
self.nonce += 1
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
return computed_hash
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.pending_transactions = []
self.mining_reward = 100
self.difficulty = 4
self.contracts = {}
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block(0, time.time(), [], "0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def mine_pending_transactions(self, mining_reward_address):
reward_tx = Transaction(None, mining_reward_address, self.mining_reward)
new_block =
Block(len(self.chain), time.time(), self.pending_transactions,
new_block.hash = new_block.proof_of_work(self.difficulty)
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
def deploy_contract(self, contract_code):
contract = SmartContract(contract_code)
contract_address = hashlib.sha256(contract_code.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
self.contracts[contract_address] = contract
return contract_address
def call_contract(self, contract_address, sender, receiver, amount):
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_address)
if contract:
contract.execute(sender, receiver, amount)
tx = Transaction(sender, receiver, amount, contract_address)
def get_balance(self, address):
balance = 0
for block in self.chain:
for tx in block.transactions:
if tx.sender == address:
balance -= tx.amount
if tx.receiver == address:
balance += tx.amount
return balance
blockchain = Blockchain()
contract_code = """ if amount > 10:
state['status'] = 'High value transaction' else:
state['status'] = 'Low value transaction' """
contract_address = blockchain.deploy_contract(contract_code)
blockchain.call_contract(contract_address, "Alice", "Bob", 50)
for block in blockchain.chain:
print(f"Index: {block.index}")
print(f"Timestamp: {block.timestamp}")
{[{'sender': tx.sender, 'receiver': tx.receiver, 'amount': tx.amount, 'contract': tx.contract}
for tx in block.transactions]}")
print(f"Previous Hash: {block.previous_hash}")
print(f"Hash: {block.hash}")
print(f"Nonce: {block.nonce}")
print(f"Contract State: {blockchain.contracts[contract_address].state}")
print(f"Balance of Miner1: {blockchain.get_balance('Miner1')}")
print(f"Balance of Alice: {blockchain.get_balance('Alice')}")
print(f"Balance of Bob: {blockchain.get_balance('Bob')}")
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- 定义交易验证规则:确保交易的发送者有足够的余额,交易的格式正确等。
def validate_transaction(self, transaction):
if transaction.sender is None:
return True
sender_balance = self.get_balance(transaction.sender)
if sender_balance >= transaction.amount:
return True
return False
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class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount, signature=None, contract=None):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.signature = signature
self.contract = contract
def to_dict(self):
return {'sender': self.sender,'receiver': self.receiver,'amount': self.amount,'contract': self.contrac}
def sign_transaction(self, private_key):
sk = SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
self.signature = sk.sign(message).hex()
def is_valid(self):
if self.sender is None:
return True
if not self.signature:
return False
vk = VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(self.sender), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
return vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(self.signature), message)
return False
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- 实现交易验证方法:在区块链类中添加一个方法来验证交易。
- 在添加交易时进行验证:在创建交易时调用验证方法。
import hashlib
import time
import requests
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, SECP256k1
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount, signature=None, contract=None):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.signature = signature
self.contract = contract
def to_dict(self):
return {'sender': self.sender,'receiver': self.receiver,'amount': self.amount'contract': self.contract}
def sign_transaction(self, private_key):
sk = SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
self.signature = sk.sign(message).hex()
def is_valid(self):
if self.sender is None:
return True
if not self.signature:
return False
vk = VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(self.sender), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
return vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(self.signature), message)
return False
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
sha = hashlib.sha256()
transactions_str = "".join([f"{tx.sender}{tx.receiver}{tx.amount}{tx.contract}"
for tx in self.transactions])
return sha.hexdigest()
def proof_of_work(self, difficulty):
self.nonce = 0
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty):
self.nonce += 1
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
return computed_hash
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.pending_transactions = []
self.mining_reward = 100
self.difficulty = 4
self.contracts = {}
self.nodes = set()
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block(0, time.time(), [], "0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def mine_pending_transactions(self, mining_reward_address):
reward_tx = Transaction(None, mining_reward_address, self.mining_reward)
new_block =
Block(len(self.chain), time.time(), self.pending_transactions, self.get_latest_block().hash)
new_block.hash = new_block.proof_of_work(self.difficulty)
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
if self.validate_transaction(transaction):
raise ValueError("Invalid transaction")
def validate_transaction(self, transaction):
if transaction.sender is None:
return True
sender_balance = self.get_balance(transaction.sender)
if sender_balance >= transaction.amount and transaction.is_valid():
return True
return False
def deploy_contract(self, contract_code):
contract = SmartContract(contract_code)
contract_address = hashlib.sha256(contract_code.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
self.contracts[contract_address] = contract
return contract_address
def call_contract(self, contract_address, sender, receiver, amount):
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_address)
if contract:
contract.execute(sender, receiver, amount)
tx = Transaction(sender, receiver, amount, contract_address)
def get_balance(self, address):
balance = 0
for block in self.chain:
for tx in block.transactions:
if tx.sender == address:
balance -= tx.amount
if tx.receiver == address:
balance += tx.amount
return balance
class Node:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
self.blockchain = Blockchain()
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- 定义节点类:创建一个 Node 类,用于表示区块链网络中的节点。
class Node:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
self.blockchain = Blockchain()
def connect_to_node(self, node_address):
def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction):
for node in self.blockchain.nodes:
requests.post(f"{node}/add_transaction", json=transaction.__dict__)
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- 修改 Blockchain 类:添加处理节点和广播的功能。
def add_node(self, address):
def broadcast_block(self, block):
for node in self.nodes:
requests.post(f"{node}/add_block", json=block.__dict__)
def sync_chain(self):
longest_chain = None
max_length = len(self.chain)
for node in self.nodes:
response = requests.get(f"{node}/chain")
length = response.json()['length']
chain = response.json()['chain']
if length > max_length:
max_length = length
longest_chain = chain
if longest_chain:
self.chain = [Block(**block) for block in longest_chain]
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- 实现节点之间的通信:使用 HTTP 或 WebSocket 实现节点之间的通信。
app = Flask(__name__)
node = Node("http://localhost:5000")
@app.route('/chain', methods=['GET'])
def get_chain():
chain_data = [block.__dict__
for block in node.blockchain.chain]
return jsonify(length=len(chain_data), chain=chain_data)
@app.route('/add_block', methods=['POST'])
def add_block():
block_data = request.get_json()
block = Block(**block_data)
return "Block added", 201
@app.route('/add_transaction', methods=['POST'])
def add_transaction():
tx_data = request.get_json()
transaction = Transaction(**tx_data)
return "Transaction added", 201
@app.route('/mine', methods=['GET'])
def mine():
return "Mining complete", 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
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- 创建一个新的链:从当前链的某个区块开始创建一个新的链。
- 添加新的区块到分叉链:在新的链上添加新的区块。
- 切换到分叉链:在需要的时候切换到分叉链。
整个过程类似于我们 git 上切换分支。
fork_chain 方法:从当前链的某个区块开始创建一个新的链,并将其添加到 forks 列表中。
switch_to_fork 方法:切换到指定的分叉链
Flask 路由:
- /fork 路由用于创建分叉链。
- /switch_fork 路由用于切换到指定的分叉链。
- 同步链:从所有节点获取链数据。找到最长的链。如果最长的链比当前链长,则替换当前链。
- 广播新块:当有新块时,广播给所有节点。
- 验证链:验证链的有效性。
- sync_chain 方法:从所有节点获取链数据,找到最长的链并替换当前链
- is_valid_chain 方法:验证链的有效性,确保链中的每个块都有效。
Flask 路由:
import hashlib
import time
import requests
from flask
import Flask, jsonify, request
from ecdsa
import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, SECP256k1
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, sender, receiver, amount, signature=None, contract=None):
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
self.amount = amount
self.signature = signature
self.contract = contract
def to_dict(self):
{'sender': self.sender,'receiver': self.receiver,'amount': self.amount,'contract': self.contract}
def sign_transaction(self, private_key):
sk = SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
self.signature = sk.sign(message).hex()
def is_valid(self):
if self.sender is None:
return True
if not self.signature:
return False
vk = VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(self.sender), curve=SECP256k1)
message = str(self.to_dict()).encode('utf-8')
return vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(self.signature), message)
return False
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, transactions, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.transactions = transactions
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.nonce = 0
self.hash = self.calculate_hash()
def calculate_hash(self):
sha = hashlib.sha256()
transactions_str = "".join([f"{tx.sender}{tx.receiver}{tx.amount}{tx.contract}"
for tx in self.transactions])
return sha.hexdigest()
def proof_of_work(self, difficulty):
self.nonce = 0
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
while not computed_hash.startswith('0' * difficulty):
self.nonce += 1
computed_hash = self.calculate_hash()
return computed_hash
class Blockchain:
def __init__(self):
self.chain = [self.create_genesis_block()]
self.pending_transactions = []
self.mining_reward = 100
self.difficulty = 4
self.contracts = {}
self.nodes = set()
self.forks = []
def create_genesis_block(self):
return Block(0, time.time(), [], "0")
def get_latest_block(self):
return self.chain[-1]
def mine_pending_transactions(self, mining_reward_address):
reward_tx = Transaction(None, mining_reward_address, self.mining_reward)
new_block =
Block(len(self.chain), time.time(), self.pending_transactions, self.get_latest_block().hash)
new_block.hash = new_block.proof_of_work(self.difficulty)
self.pending_transactions = []
def create_transaction(self, transaction):
if self.validate_transaction(transaction):
raise ValueError("Invalid transaction")
def validate_transaction(self, transaction):
if transaction.sender is None:
return True
sender_balance = self.get_balance(transaction.sender)
if sender_balance >= transaction.amount and transaction.is_valid():
return True
return False
def deploy_contract(self, contract_code):
contract = SmartContract(contract_code)
contract_address = hashlib.sha256(contract_code.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
self.contracts[contract_address] = contract
return contract_address
def call_contract(self, contract_address, sender, receiver, amount):
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_address)
if contract:
contract.execute(sender, receiver, amount)
tx = Transaction(sender, receiver, amount, contract_address)
def get_balance(self, address):
balance = 0
for block in self.chain:
for tx in block.transactions:
if tx.sender == address:
balance -= tx.amount
if tx.receiver == address:
balance += tx.amount
return balance
def add_node(self, address):
def broadcast_block(self, block):
for node in self.nodes:
requests.post(f"{node}/add_block", json=block.__dict__)
def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction):
for node in self.nodes:
requests.post(f"{node}/add_transaction", json=transaction.__dict__)
def sync_chain(self):
longest_chain = None
max_length = len(self.chain)
for node in self.nodes:
response = requests.get(f"{node}/chain")
length = response.json()['length']
chain = response.json()['chain']
if length > max_length and self.is_valid_chain(chain):
max_length = length
longest_chain = chain
if longest_chain:
self.chain = [Block(**block) for block in longest_chain]
def is_valid_chain(self, chain):
for i in range(1, len(chain)):
current_block = chain[i]
previous_block = chain[i - 1]
if current_block['previous_hash'] != previous_block['hash']:
return False
block = Block(**current_block)
if block.hash != block.calculate_hash():
return False
return True
def fork_chain(self, fork_point):
if fork_point < 0 or fork_point >= len(self.chain):
raise ValueError("Invalid fork point")
forked_chain = self.chain[:fork_point + 1]
return forked_chain
def switch_to_fork(self, fork_index):
if fork_index < 0 or fork_index >= len(self.forks):
raise ValueError("Invalid fork index")
self.chain = self.forks[fork_index] class Node:
def __init__(self, address): self.address = address
self.blockchain = Blockchain()
def connect_to_node(self, node_address):
def broadcast_transaction(self, transaction):
for node in self.blockchain.nodes:
requests.post(f"{node}/add_transaction", json=transaction.__dict__)
app = Flask(__name__) node = Node("http://localhost:5000")
@app.route('/chain', methods=['GET'])
def get_chain():
chain_data = [block.__dict__ for block in node.blockchain.chain]
return jsonify(length=len(chain_data), chain=chain_data)
@app.route('/add_block', methods=['POST']) def add_block():
block_data = request.get_json() block = Block(**block_data)
return "Block added", 201
@app.route('/add_transaction', methods=['POST'])
def add_transaction():
tx_data = request.get_json()
transaction = Transaction(**tx_data)
return "Transaction added", 201
except ValueError as e:
return str(e), 400
@app.route('/mine', methods=['GET'])
def mine():
return "Mining complete", 200
@app.route('/fork', methods=['POST'])
def fork():
fork_point = request.json.get('fork_point')
forked_chain = node.blockchain.fork_chain(fork_point)
return jsonify([block.__dict__
for block in forked_chain]), 201
except ValueError as e:
return str(e), 400
@app.route('/switch_fork', methods=['POST'])
def switch_fork():
fork_index = request.json.get('fork_index')
return "Switched to fork", 200
except ValueError as e:
return str(e), 400
if __name__ == '__main__':
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在本文中,我们学习了如何使用 Python 实现一个简单的区块链。我们实现了区块链、区块、交易、智能合约、节点等核心概念。我们还实现了挖矿、交易验证、节点同步等功能,希望能帮助你快速入门区块链技术。

- 最后希望你编程学习上不急不躁,按照计划有条不紊推进,把任何一件事做到极致,都是不容易的,加油,努力!相信自己!
- 最后这里免费分享给大家一份Python全套学习资料,希望能帮到那些不满现状,想提升自己却又没有方向的朋友,也可以和我一起来学习交流呀。
- ① Python所有方向的学习路线图,清楚各个方向要学什么东西
- ② 100多节Python课程视频,涵盖必备基础、爬虫和数据分析
- ③ 100多个Python实战案例,学习不再是只会理论
- ④ 华为出品独家Python漫画教程,手机也能学习